Anglican Diocese of the Southwest


The Anglican Diocese of the Southwest is made up of 27 congregations in Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and throughout the country of Mexico.


The mission of this Diocese is to support our Congregations in extending the Kingdom of God by presenting Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit through proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples. We seek to support each other in this-our common ministry- through: prayer, bible study, education, worship, fellowship, church planting, and youth ministry. We strive to be unified through prayer, church planting, revitalization, youth ministry, and fellowship.

Upcoming events

  • Centrifuge 2025

    WHO: All students who have completed 6-12 grades (2025 graduating Seniors, you’re invited, too!)

    WHERE Fort Worth, TX - Southwestern Baptist Seminary

    PRICE: $350

    Anyone interested should contact Kristie at

  • Clergy Conference 2025

    WHEN: Mar 13-15, 2025

    WHERE: Glorieta Camp, Glorieta, NM

    FEATURED SPEAKER: The Rt. Rev. Thaddeus R. Barnum -- Learn more about him here.

Find a Church Near You

We believe and confess Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no one comes to the Father but by Him. Our Anglican fore-bearers have started Churches in over 30 countries around the world-- in Africa, North and South America, Southeast Asia, Australia and Europe. Our Anglican family now includes over 80 million people all across the world.

We are Christians.

Learn About Our Ministries

We are called by Jesus, in the Great Commission, to make disciples of the 100 million people spread over the 1 million square miles of the Anglican Diocese of the Southwest.

While making those disciples, we are called by Jesus in the Great Commandment to love God with all our heart mind soul and strength.

We are currently working to fulfill that call through church planting, a lifestyle of discipleship, and devoted ministry to teenagers.